Duo, Bin (多 滨)

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Dr. Bin Duo ( 多 滨 )
Ph.D., Professor, Master Tutor

IIoT Intelligent Monitoring and Application Engineering Technology Research Institute of Sichuan Province
Chengdu University of Technology

Location: College of Computer Science and Cyber Security, No. 1, Dongsanlu, Erxianqiao, Chenghua District, Chengdu, China
About me | Latest news | Interests | Publications | Patents | Services | Projects | Student awards | Statistics |

Email: duo_bin@163.com

About me

Bin Duo received his Ph.D. degrees in information and communication engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2014 and from the University of Sydney, Australia, in 2016. From 2018 to 2019, he visited the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Since 2018, he has been with the National Laboratory of Science and Technology on Communications, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, as a Research Fellow. He is currently a Professor with the College of Computer Science and Cyber Security, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, China. His research interests include convex optimization theory, UAV communications for 6G and information security.

多滨,男,1982年2月生,汉族,九三学社社员,博士(后),成都理工大学计算机与网络安全学院教授,硕士生导师,物联网与智能科学系副主任,全自主智能无人系统研究中心负责人,四川省海外高层次留学人才、四川省侨联特聘专家,山东产业技术研究院项目研究员,IEEE/CIC/CCF Member。分别于2016年和2014年在悉尼大学和哈尔滨工业大学获得双博士学位;2018年至今在电子科技大学通信抗干扰全国重点实验室从事博士后研究工作;2018年获CSC资助公派至新加坡国立大学电气与计算机工程学院访问。 近年来,在智能无线通信与网络领域取得了丰硕的研究成果,在IEEE等出版的国内外权威期刊和会议上发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI检索论文30篇(中科院2区以上论文21篇,ESI热点、高被引论文1篇),EI检索论文18篇,具有较高的影响力,谷歌学术总引用次数千余次,已发表英文学术专著2部,申请专利10余项,获软件著作权20余项。主持和参与国家级、省部级项目等10余项,获得川渝产学研协同创新成果奖、国际会议最佳论文奖、全国大学生学科竞赛优秀指导教师奖、校级青年教师教学竞赛一等奖等10余项,并担任多部国内外权威期刊特约审稿人。


My research interests include:

  • Intelligent Networking and collaborative communications for UAV Swarm | 无人集群智能组网与协同通信关键技术

  • Autonomous intelligent robot technology and intelligent equipment | 全自主智能机器人技术与装备智能化

  • Intelligent cyber-physical systems | 虚实融合的智能信息物理融合系统

  • Security for UAV swarm system | 无人集群系统安全

  • AI/Semantic Communication for Music Information Retrieval | 基于人工智能/语义通信的音乐信息检索技术

Under review

  1. B. Duo, A. Shen, Q. Wu*, X. Yuan, "Computing power routing design for computing-aware FANET", Submitted to IEEE Network, 2023.

  2. B. Duo, A. Kong, Q. Wu*, X. Yuan, "Intelligent trajectory and pick-up design for connectivity-aware UAV-enabled transportation system",Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.

  3. M. Li, J. Luo*, J. Ning, Z. Wang, B. Duo , "UAV swarm communications: Recent advances and technical review", Submitted to Vehicular Communications, 2023.

  4. X. Dai, B. Duo, X. Yuan, and M. D. Renzo, "Energy-Efficient UAV Communications with Directional Antennas: Tilting Effect Modeling and Trajectory Optimization",Submitted to  IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023.

  5. 多滨, 汪潇, 赖欢, 武庆庆, 宁进, 王梓斌*, "智能反射面辅助无人机抗干扰通信方法研究", 电子与信息学报, 2023.

  6. 罗俊松, 陈丽蓉, 宁进, 胡艳梅, 多滨*, "无人机集群反制技术研究现状与展望", 网络与信息安全学报, 2023.

  7. 罗俊松, 江绍宇, 宁进, 胡艳梅, 多滨*, "无人机集群网络架构研究现状", 电讯技术, 2023.

  8. 罗俊松, 吴生平, 宁进, 胡艳梅, 多滨*, "基于人工智能算法的无人机集群路由协议综述", 重庆邮电大学学报, 2023.

Recent selected publications

  1. X. Dai, B. Duo, X. Yuan, and M. D. Renzo, "Energy-Efficient UAV Communications in the Presence of Wind: 3D Modeling and Trajectory Design", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023. (SCI, 中科院1区Top,IF = 7.016)

  2. B. Duo, M. He, Q. Wu*, X. Yuan, and Z. Zhang*, "Joint Dual-UAV Trajectory and RIS Design for ARIS-Assisted Cooperative Aerial Computing in IoT", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023. (SCI, 中科院1区Top, IF=10.6)

  3. Y. Liu, B. Duo*, Q. Wu, X. Yuan, J. Li, and Y. Li, "Elevation Angle-Dependent 3D Trajectory Design for Aerial RIS-aided Communication", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023. (SCI, 中科院1区Top, IF=8.5)

  4. H. Lai, D. Li*, X. Wang, J. Ning, J. Luo, B. Duo, "Optimization of full-duplex UAV-enabled secrecy communications with the aid of RIS", Drones, 2023.(SCI, 中科院2区, IF=5.538)

  5. 王豪, 罗俊松,王惠明, 王梓斌, 多滨*, "无人机射频指纹识别方法综述", 无线电工程, 2023. (中文核心)

  6. A. Shen, J. Luo*, J. Ning, Yi. Li, Z. Wang*, and B. Duo, "Safeguarding UAV Networks against Active Eavesdropping: An Elevation Angle-Distance Trade-off for Secrecy Enhancement", Drones, 2023.(SCI, 中科院2区, IF=5.538)

  7. J. Ning, Y.Zhou, X. Liao, and B. Duo*, "Single Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Using Robust Light-dark Prior", Remote Sensing, 2023.(SCI, 中科院2区Top, IF=5.349)

  8. K. Tian, B. Duo*, and X. Yuan, "Hybrid Offline-Online Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided UAV Communication", IEEE Communications Letters, 2023.(SCI, 中科院3区, IF=3.553)

  9. Y. Lei, B. Duo*, Q. Wu, M. Liu, X. Yuan, and Y. Li, "Enhancing UAV-Enabled Communications via Multiple Intelligent Omni-Surfaces", IEEE Communications Letters, 2023.(SCI, 中科院3区, IF=3.553)

  10. 付振江, 罗俊松, 宁进, 多滨*, "无人机集群通信的应用现状及展望", 无线电工程, 2023. (中文核心)

  11. Z. Zhai, X. Dai, B. Duo, Z. Wang and X. Yuan*, "Energy-Efficient UAV-Mounted RIS Assisted Mobile Edge Computing", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022, 11(12): 2507-2511.(SCI, 中科院2区, IF=5.281)

  12. X. Dai, B. Duo, X. Yuan* and W. Tang, "Energy-Efficient UAV Communications: A Generalised Propulsion Energy Consumption Model", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022, 11(4): 866-870.(SCI, 中科院2区, IF=5.281)

  13. M. Shao, B. Duo*, Y. Liu, J. Luo, Y. Hu, and M. Liu, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Data Collection in UAV-Enabled Wireless Sensor Network", IEEE SECON 2022, 2022.(CCF-B)

  14. Y. Liu, B. Duo*, Q. Wu, X. Yuan, and Y. Li, "Full-Dimensional Rate Enhancement for UAV-Enabled Communications via Intelligent Omni-Surface", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022, 11(9): 1955-1959.(SCI, 中科院2区, IF=5.281)

  15. H. Hu, B. Duo*, Y. Li, J. Luo, Y. Hu, and X. Zhu, "Energy Efficiency-Aware Trajectory Design against Jamming Threats for UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks", China Communications, 2022. (SCI, 中科院3区, IF=2.688)

  16. K. Tian, B. Duo, S. Li, X. Yuan*, and Y. Zuo, "Hybrid Uplink and Downlink Transmissions for Full-Duplex UAV Communication with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 866-870, April 2022. (SCI, 中科院2区, IF=4.348)

  17. B. Duo, H. Hu, Y. Li, Y. Hu, Xing Zhu*, "Robust 3D trajectory and power design in probabilistic LoS channel for UAV-enabled cooperative jamming", Vehicular Communications, vol. 32, pp. 100387, Dec. 2021. (SCI, 中科院2区, IF=6.91)

  18. B. Duo, Y. Li, H. Hu, J. Luo, Y. Hu, Z. Wang*, "Joint robust 3D trajectory and communication design for dual-UAV enabled secure communications in probabilistic LoS channel", Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 121, pp. 102592, Oct. 2021. (SCI, 中科院2区, IF=4.11)

  19. B. Duo, J. Luo, Y. Li, H. Hu and Z. Wang*, "Joint trajectory and power optimization for securing UAV communications against active eavesdropping", China Communications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1673-5447, Jan. 2021. (SCI, 中科院3区, IF=2.688)

  20. B. Duo, H. Hu, Y. Li and X. Yuan*, "Joint trajectory and power optimization in probabilistic LoS channel for UAV-Enabled cooperative jamming", ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communication, 2021, pp. 1-6.

  21. S. Li, B. Duo, M. D. Renzo, M. Tao and X. Yuan*, "Robust secure UAV Communications with the aid of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 6402-6417, Dec. 2021. (SCI, 中科院1区Top,IF = 7.016)

  22. S. Li, B. Duo, X. Yuan*, Y. Liang and M. Di Renzo, "Reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted UAV communication: Joint trajectory design and passive beamforming", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 716-720, May 2020. (SCI, 中科院2区, IF=4.348, ESI高被引)

  23. B. Duo, Q. Wu, X. Yuan* and R. Zhang, "Anti-jamming 3D trajectory design for UAV-enabled wireless sensor networks under probabilistic LoS channel", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 16288-16293, Dec. 2020. (SCI, 中科院2区Top, IF=5.978)

  24. B. Duo, Q. Wu*, X. Yuan and R. Zhang, "Energy efficiency maximization for full-duplex UAV secrecy communication", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 4590-4595, April 2020. (SCI, 中科院2区Top, IF=5.978)

  25. H. Sun, B. Duo*, Z. Wang, X. Lin, and C. Gao, "Aerial cooperative jamming for cellular-enabled UAV secure communication network: Joint trajectory and power control design", Sensors, vol.19, no. 20, pp. 4440, Oct. 2020. (SCI, 中科院2区Top, IF=3.756)

Note: * indicates the corresponding author.

Full list of publications in Google Scholar.

Academic service


  • IEEE Member

  • CIC Member

  • CCF Member

Journal Reviewer

  • IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

  • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

  • IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

  • IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

  • IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

  • IEEE Communications Letters

  • Vehicular Communications

More details in Publons

Recent selected projects

  • 基于全向智能超表面的无人机航迹规划与通信资源控制技术研究,四川省国际科技创新/港澳台科技创新合作项目,2023-2025

  • 5G+智慧无人机航迹动态规划与智能控制设备研发,四川省区域创新合作项目,2022-2024

  • 基于社区演变预测的公共突发事件预警研究,四川省科技计划重点研发项目,2021-2023

  • 面向5G+的可重构智能表面无线传输技术,四川省国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作项目,2021-2023

  • 崩塌监测智能边缘计算网关研制,国家重点研发计划项目,2020-2023

  • 动态网络中基于局部视图的社区演变跟踪方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2019-2021

  • 2019年度四川省留学回国人员科技活动择优资助项目,四川省人力资源与社会保障厅,2019

  • 面向新一代无线通信网络安全的中继极化码方法研究,四川省科技计划重点研发项目,2018-2020

  • 面向安全的极化码关键技术研究,四川省教育厅项目,2018-2019

  • 基于人工智能的智慧成都信息安全风险评估模型构建与研究,成都市科技计划项目,2018-2020

Graduate student awards

  • 2023,M.S. students M. He and Y. Li were awarded Second Prize in “Datang” Camp | 雷雨、何茂霖 “大唐杯”全国大学生新一代信息通信技术大赛二等奖

  • 2022,M.S. student M. Shao was awarded First-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生刘一凡获得一等学业奖学金

  • 2022,M.S. student Y. Liu was awarded First-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生邵明谦获得一等学业奖学金

  • 2022,M.S. student Z. Fu was awarded First-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生付振江获得一等学业奖学金

  • 2022,M.S. student H. Wang was awarded Second-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生王豪获得二等学业奖学金

  • 2022,M.S. student L. Chen was awarded Third-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生陈丽蓉获得三等学业奖学金

  • 2022,M.S. student X. Wang was awarded Third-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生汪潇获得三等学业奖学金

  • 2022,M.S. student H. Lai was awarded Second-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生赖欢获得二等学业奖学金

  • 2022,M.S. student Y. Lei was awarded First-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生雷雨获得一等学业奖学金

  • 2021,M.S. students M. Shao, Y. Liu, H. Hu and Y. Li were awarded Third Prize in Cyber Security Pioneer Training Camp | 邵明谦、刘一凡、胡豪、李沂莲 网络安全尖锋训练营精英百强大赛潜力三等奖

  • 2021,M.S. student H. Hu was awarded National Scholarship | 硕士生胡豪获得研究生国家奖学金

  • 2021,M.S. student Y. Li was awarded Second-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生李沂莲获得二等学业奖学金

  • 2021,M.S. student H. Lai was awarded Second-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生赖欢获得二等学业奖学金

  • 2021,M.S. student Y. Lei was awarded First-class Academic Scholarship | 硕士生雷雨获得一等学业奖学金

  • 2021,M.S. student Y. Lei was awarded National Scholarship | 硕士生雷雨获得国家励志奖学金

  • 2021,Y. Lei, Outstanding Undergraduate, CDUT | 雷雨获成都理工大学优秀毕业生

  • 2021,Y. Lei, Outstanding Graduation Thesis, CDUT | 雷雨获成都理工大学优秀毕业论文


A brief cv.